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STOP PRESS....Bingo - semi submersible rig

We have just been notified of the success of our bid for level and pressure transmitters for "Bingo 9000-1", which , when completed, will be one of the largest Semi-Submersible Rigs in the world.

The Rig is currently under construction by Friede Goldman Offshore at their Yard in Pascagoula Mississippi USA, and PSM’s supply will amount to more than 250 transmitters.

Better still, this Rig is the first of 4 planned by the owners, Ocean Rig of Norway.

Watch this space for a detailed application report.

The Gulf of Mexico region has seen considerable application of PSM transmitters and Instrumentation in recent times, thanks to the very able management of our US Agents Modern Engineered Products.

Other Rigs recently equipped include :- Ocean Star & Ocean Warwick both for Diamond Offshore Drilling

The Joe Alford & the Lester Pettus both for Nobel Drilling

The Falcon F100 for Sedco.

SWATH MSV (small water plane area twin hull multi service vesselThere have also been many Ships, including more than a Dozen special purpose and Supply Vessels for Shipbuilder Edison Chouest, and PSM have recently shipped out 50 submersible transmitters for use on the Ballast tanks of the Global Industries "Pioneer". This is a SWATH MSV (Small Water plane Area Twin Hull, Multi Service Vessel) serving the Offshore industry. (see photo)

The SWATH design’s main aim is stability where roll & pitch are largely eliminated. Obviously Ballast control plays a fundamental role in this stability, so we are particularly pleased to have been selected.
